World’s Highest Cassava Producing Countries

Cassava is a woody shrub and one of the most drought-tolerant crops, It came from South Africa. It is the main food in developing countries. The total world production is around 230 million metric tons. African countries grow cassava for more than half of the world’s total production. Moreover, Asian countries, Latin America, and the Caribbean are the major cassava-growing regions.

Nigeria is the largest producer of cassava, with around 52 million tons, which is equal to the total production of Asia. Brazil and Indonesia take second and third place, with production amounting to 25.3 million and 24 million metric tons, respectively. Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Costa Rica are the major exporters of Cassava.

Cassava, Image by Brett Hondow from Pixabay

List of Highest Cassava Producers in the world by country

RankCountryProduction Quantity (in Tonnes)Production Value
1 Nigeria52403455$5,474,222,000
2 Brazil25349088$1,324,020,000
3 Indonesia24009624$2,457,975,000
4 Thailand21912416$2,151,145,000
5 Democratic Republic of the Congo15569138$1,610,134,000
6 Angola14333509$1,497,321,000
7 Ghana14240867$1,487,643,000
8 Mozambique10093619$1,054,409,000
9 Viet Nam9897912$1,033,965,000
10 India8076000$843,643,000
11 Uganda4757800$497,014,000
12 United Republic of Tanzania4646523$464,497,000
13 China, mainland4500000$423,075,000
14 Cambodia4368159$456,310,000
15 Malawi4259301$444,939,000
16 Cameroon4082903$383,861,000
17 Benin3600000$376,066,000
18 Madagascar3490300$364,607,000
19 Rwanda2579399$269,451,000
20 Paraguay2453837$131,141,000

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