Top 10 Countries of Proved Natural Gas Reserves

Natural Gas is one of the energy sources used for the industrial and common purposes of residences. Natural Gas reserves have not been explored completely, there are thousands of unexplored Places across the globe and as per the report, Russia stands first with 44 trillion Cubic meters of Gas Reserves and Iran, Qatar respectively in second and third position. Russia is the largest country in the world, which means a lot of space to explore, Qatar is the smallest country with Gas reserve of 25 trillion, Qatar owns the highest Gas Reserves in small space.

RankCountry/RegionProven reserves (m³)Date of Information
1Iran33,600,000,000,00012 June 2013 est
2Russia32,900,000,000,00012 June 2013 est
3Qatar25,100,000,000,00012 June 2013 est
4Turkmenistan17,500,000,000,00012 June 2013 est
5United States8,500,000,000,00012 June 2013 est
6Saudi Arabia8,200,000,000,0001 January 2012 est
7Venezuela5,524,500,000,00019 July 2011
8Nigeria5,246,000,000,0001 January 2010 est
9Algeria4,502,000,000,0001 January 2010 est
10Australia3,825,000,000,0001 January 2012 est
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