Arthropods come in a range of forms and sizes, and they live in a number of habitats, such as water, the ground, and trees. Here are 10 species that may grow to be extremely large yet are only found in a few locations around the world. The Japanese crab caught in 1921 weighed 19 kg and had a 12.5-foot arm length. The largest confirmed occurrence, a 3.5-foot-long, 20-kilogram American lobster caught in 1977, measured 3.5 feet in length and weighed 20 kg.
It includes spiders and scorpions, with the most known huge mass spiders being the Chaco golden knee, Grammostola pulchripes, and Brazilian salmon pink. And the Scorpions, namely Heterometrus Swammerdam (Indian Subcontinent), which can grow to be 29.2 cm long and weigh 57 grams, and the African Imperial Scorpion, which may grow to be 23 cm long and weigh 57 grams.

Crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, krill, and barnacles are species of Branchiopods. They may grow up to 10 cm long, with the largest reaching over afoot.
Scolopendra gigantic, the biggest Centipede species, is located in South America and the Caribbean and measures approximately 33 cm in length.
Archispirostreptus Gigas of East Africa and Scaphistostreptus seychellarum of the Seychelles Islands can grow to be more than 28 cm long, with the largest known Arthropleura reaching 6.2 ft.

Barnacles and allies
Copepod is the largest Barnacle species, measuring up to 32 cm long and found on the backs of fin whales. The largest barnacle, having the largest known muscle fibers, is the enormous acorn barnacle.

Horseshoe crabs
It is a marine arthropod that lives on soft muddy substrates in frothy ocean waters. It has a wide, spherical body with a long tile and may grow to be 60 cm long and 5 kg in weight.

Crustaceans are a large group of arthropods that may grow to be 3 centimeters long.
The giant isopod is the biggest species, growing up to 45 cm in length and weighing about 1.7 kg, and may be found in a deep-sea habitat from the dark sublittoral zone.
Sea Spiders
The largest are deep-sea spiders, which may grow to be 90 cm long and are found mostly in the Caribbean and Mediterranean seas. Over 1300 species, ranging in size from tiny to big and surviving at depths of over 7,000 meters, have been identified.

Remipedes, which may grow to be 1.8 inches long, are found in coastal rocks with saline groundwater. They may be found in all ocean basins, including the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Indian oceans.