Boosting Mental Health Awareness: A Spotlight on Australia

Since the Covid pandemic, the world has seen a rise in mental health issues and Australia is no exception, with multiple lockdowns and a draconian approach from the federal government that caused many Australians to suffer depression. There are some positives; however, people are not as uncomfortable talking about mental health, largely thanks to a global push, particularly with men, who are traditionally the pillar of the family and are not supposed to suffer with mental health issues.

Open dialogue

Fortunately, we have forward-thinking organisations like Connecting Mental Health here in Australia; promoting mental health education and awareness, while also being a platform that connects healthcare specialists with those in need of their services. If, for example, you would like to talk to a qualified therapist, this is the place to go. 

Learn about various mental health therapies

There are indeed many mental health strategies to explore; we are all unique human beings and therefore, what might work for one, might not necessarily produce results for another. Talking about your problems is certain to help and with the right therapist, you can make significant progress and return to a normal life. We all react to pressure differently and if you are the type of person who keeps things to yourself, stress can build up over time and talking things through with a qualified mental health counsellor is often all you need. Of course, what you eat has a lot to do with how you feel and by including foods that boost mental acuity, you can ensure good health.

Online booking

Once you have chosen a registered therapist, the next step is to book your first Zoom consultation, which is a critical step when the mental healthcare professional can acquire the information they need to build a profile. Therapists are excellent listeners and they quickly form a bond with the client, and it is this connection that helps move forward.

Scheduled at your convenience

Once you have made a connection with a therapist, he/she is happy to work to your schedule; you need a quiet time when you will not be disturbed, and your relationship with the counsellor will develop and trust will be established. Of course, everything is confidential and the mental health therapist is fully focused on helping you find solutions to your stress and anxiety. The ideal frequency is 3–4 times per week, with 1-2 hours per session; you receive links to the recording in order to rewatch and digest the content at your own pace. We don’t always get 100% of what is said during a discussion, so reviewing is an important part of the program.Mental health issues are impacting society in a negative way and if you are feeling stressed and anxious, this can have a negative effect on your overall health & well-being The Australian government is poised to deliver essential therapeutic services across the country, via a nationwide 4G network.

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