If you are eager to score well in the examination, then you have to start preparing for it at a very early stage. You need to put in a lot of effort and dedication to gain your desired score in the exams. You have to do it from the beginning so that you would beat all the exam-related stress and anxiety beforehand and become confident.
Therefore reading every chapter of your NCERT textbook thoroughly, solving the exercise questions, and referring to Vedantu NCERT Solutions will help you to be better prepared. Before everything, the first and foremost thing that you must do is prepare an examination strategy and daily routine to make your life easier. Pay attention to every chapter of your textbook, jot down all the important points in one place, improve your time management skill, and try to set a deadline for yourself.

However, here we are going to discuss why every CBSE student should follow NCERT Solutions to obtain the highest marks in the class.
1. Step by step solution
This is quite obvious if you face difficulties while solving the exercise questions from your textbooks. Therefore, the NCERT solutions come to your rescue. For all the problems, be it an easy one or a difficult one, you will find step-by-step solutions to every question/ problem in the solutions. All the answers are well executed by the top-notch subject matter experts to make these easily understandable to every student.
2. Written by highly qualified teachers/ experts
You can completely rely on these solutions as these are compiled by highly qualified experts from the relevant field after extensive research. These solutions come in handy to every student as these are strictly abided by the CBSE curriculum. Not only that but also these solutions become useful as these bring clarity of concepts with its deepest insights into every chapter.
3. Easy way to revise
NCERT Solutions are quite easy to understand and consist of all the important points with well-executed solutions. Henceforth, the NCERT Solutions for any subject of any class play a crucial role in revision. Every student should refer to these solutions when it comes to revision prior to the exam.
4. Best Maths solutions
Amongst all the solutions, the Maths solutions are the best one as it includes all the important concepts and a few specific explanations of those topics which are comparatively difficult to understand for most of the students.
5. Exam questions are picked from NCERT books
It has been observed for many years that the final exam questions or the CBSE board exam questions are directly picked from the NCERT textbooks and their exercises. So, the more you solve and practice questions/ problems from the book’s exercises and take the guidance of the solutions, the more marks you will be able to obtain in the examination.
6. Prescribed by CBSE
NCERT books are prescribed by the Central Board of Higher Secondary Education or CBSE itself. So, referring to any other books and their exercises will be an extra burden to any student and will also waste their precious time. Using the NCERT book and the solutions is the ultimate way to your success. Hence there is no need to put extra effort by using unnecessary books to cover the same syllabus.
7. Easy to understand
As mentioned above, these books are written by very highly qualified and experienced teachers from the respective field in a clear, concise manner. The language used in the book and solutions is simple and easy to understand. Hence students do not have to waste any extra time to understand all the concepts. This would help you to save a lot of your precious time so that you can utilize that time to do something productive or pursue a hobby. This will also help you in improving your time management skill.
8. Help in scoring the highest percentage
With its usage of simple language and way of explaining problems, these solutions make all the complicated topics look simple and less complicated. After referring to these solutions for a certain period of time, you will be able to solve even the toughest problems and questions in very less time because of the clarity of each concept you earn from these.