The importance of mobile app development is increasing. With the industry’s changing demands, it has become necessary for every business to develop an app of their own, which ultimately leads to a higher pay scale for developers. As the popularity of Android smartphones in the market increases, many tend to favor Android app development over any other, and it can be beneficial for you if you know exactly how to develop an Android app.
Technology has also introduced learning everything while sitting at home with the help of online courses. Hence, choosing the best course that can deliver excellent knowledge and help in developing skills is important. As some of these courses are paid, selecting the best becomes even more critical.

After refining every course to its most sufficient detail, this list has been prepared to ensure only the best results are acquired after the end of a course.
Kotlin for Android: Beginner to Advanced
With changing technology trends, it becomes essential to keep learning the newer changes and concepts that have a great future scope. As Kotlin has been introduced as an alternative to Java for Android development, it is quickly replacing traditional Java-based app development. The course here includes every detail that can help a learner develop thorough knowledge about the entire language and the features offered. Including the practical exercises that help in learning and developing a Kotlin-based Android app along with learning theory, the course aims at fulfilling all the requirements of any common learner wanting to learn development thoroughly.
The course contains:
– Building a fully functional app using useful android design
– Learning how to launch an app on the Google Play Store
– Excellent skill development support for increased job opportunities
This course has received 4.3/5 ratings from the learners on the platform where it was launched. (Udemy)
Full Stack Web and Multiplatform Mobile App Development Specialization
The current market situations favor hybrid app development, server-side development, and front-end web development. If the learner is inclined towards learning full-stack web development and hybrid app development, this course is the best one to choose from. It includes a total of 5 courses to receive a specialization in development. The course helps a learner develop an understanding of the concept of Bootstrap, Ionic, Node.js, and Angular.js and can put it into practical use with the hands-on project assignment that helps evaluate how much the learner is able to grasp from the course.
The course contains:
– Developing an understanding of client-side web UI frameworks
– Use of Angular.js for creating excellent UI designs
– Use of Ionic mobile app development framework for Android app building
The course has received 4.7/5 ratings from all the learners. (Coursera)
The Complete Android N Developer Course
The updates in versions of Android introduce newer and better features with each upgrade. Therefore, keeping up with the changing technology becomes important, and a learner can do that by choosing this course that helps gain a complete understanding of the entire development process for Android Nougat by instructing and helping to build different apps like spotify, an app like Twitter, best restaurant apps and more. The practical lessons delivered by this platform make it more suitable for complete beginners who want to enhance their knowledge further or brush up on their concepts.
The course contains:
– Thorough understanding of Java and advanced Android features
– Android Mini Wear Course
– Integrating Map and using Geolocation information
This course has been rated by enrolled learners at 4.4/5. (Udemy)
Google Nanodegree Program for Android App Development
Udacity, a Google-initiated platform that provides users with professional support in its online courses. It helps developers introduce their accredited certificates and sharpen development approaches. The particular program is developed for newbies seeking to grow their development skills and learn new things in no time. Users can learn to build an app, launch it on the app store, etc. It guides learners to build their apps and add to their portfolio for better impressions.
The course contains:
– A lot of information and hands-on practice guide for developers having experience of one or two years.
– Advanced development strategy learning
– Additional resources to help build a better base for Android app development.
The course has been rated 4.85/5 by the learners on the platform. (Udacity)
Building an Android App with Architecture Components
LinkedIn learning offers free online courses to pursue and learn from for enhancement on the professional front. With the support of, this course has been launched on this platform for free to let beginners learn concepts of Android app development efficiently. The course contains details and tutorials on the complete guidelines to be followed for maintaining the architecture components and the long-term maintenance benefits it offer.
The course includes:
– Complete coverage of all architectural components
– Assignments are available for practicing what has been learned.
– The course is available for free.
There are millions of other online courses available on the market which guarantee results and outcomes that learners want to achieve. However, the courses designed and made available by experts are the ones that every learner should look for to ensure they invest their time and money in the course that actually delivers great results. Learning from these courses becomes easier if complete concentration and maximum use of available resources are achieved.